Worldwide Flights


The farther, the better: New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada, South Africa, Asia, and South America this is our core business.

We specialize in air travel worldwide. Thanks to our good contacts with airlines and our over 20 years of industry experience, we can offer unbeatable prices. In 90% of all cases, we undercut the prices for long-haul flights offered by common search engines on the internet.

But the price isn't everything. We also provide advice on the quality and services of different airlines and aircraft, know the world's best hubs and transfer airports, and of course, we enable multi-day stopovers in the world's metropolises. Stop-over Aufenthalte in den Metropolen der Welt.


Those who Australiaor New Zealand benefit from our branch in New Zealand. From there, we can access different price offers from airlines than our colleagues in Germany. But we also use our wide network for all other destinations to get the best prices and rates. 

Professional service is a given for us. Even if a customer “only” books a flight, we are happy to provide advice on the travel destination. There are no hidden costs or expensive phone numbers. 

For flight inquiries, use our contact form email or call us at: 0 54 52/61 28 90 30. We respond to yourinquiry within 24 hours.
