Global Wings Reisen – General Terms and Conditions

Global Wings Reisen UG acts as an intermediary for travel, flights, hotels, and other tourism services.

  • 1 Scope

Global Wings operates an online travel portal on this website. You can check the availability of travel, flight, hotel, and other tourism services, as well as travel insurance, rental cars, etc., (hereinafter collectively referred to as "tourism services") from various tour operators, airlines, hotel chains, travel agents, etc. (hereinafter "providers") based on your inputs and selections on Furthermore, you can directly enter into contracts with the providers for tourism services. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "GTC") govern the contractual relationship between you as the booker and The relationship between you and the respective provider is governed exclusively by the general terms and conditions of the respective provider. These terms and conditions can be viewed and downloaded before booking.

This website is intended for your personal and non-commercial use unless otherwise expressly permitted in writing by Therefore, you may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products, or services obtained from this website.

Hyperlinks on this website are provided for informational purposes only. is not responsible for the content of these websites.

  • 2 Legal Relationship with explicitly informs all bookers, participants, and travelers that contracts for tourism services are not concluded with, but always with the specified provider, taking into account and incorporating their terms and conditions. acts exclusively as an intermediary for the tourism services of the respective providers. Contracts for tourism services are concluded exclusively on behalf and for the account of the respective providers. Your booking (see § 4) constitutes an offer to to conclude a contract for the provision of tourism services. reserves the right to accept this offer.

  • 3 Conclusion of Contracts for Tourism Services

When or the provider confirms the booking to you in writing, by telephone, by email, or in any other way, a contract mediated by between you and the provider is concluded.

The mediated contract for tourism services may be based on the provider's own general terms and conditions (GTC). These may include payment terms, provisions regarding maturity, liability, cancellation, rebooking, etc., as well as further restrictions and obligations. The respective GTC of the provider will be made available to you for inspection and acceptance on the website, where available.

The text of the contract and your order data will be stored by for the purpose of processing the contractual relationship and will be forwarded to the selected providers/contractual partners (e.g., tour operators, airlines, credit card issuers, banks) as part of contract processing.

  • 4 Offers/Content of the Website

The offers of tourism services presented on do not constitute a binding contract offer by the respective provider. They are an invitation for you to submit an offer to conclude a contract. An offer submitted by you to conclude a contract for tourism services with the respective provider (booking) is binding for you.

  • 5 Conclusion of Contracts

Unless otherwise specified in the specific booking process or in the GTC of the respective provider, the following applies to the conclusion of a contract for tourism services with the respective provider:

5.1. Der Ablauf der Online-Buchung ist auf den entsprechenden Internetseiten grafisch mit Erläuterungen dargestellt.

5.2. Ihnen steht zur Korrektur Ihrer Eingaben, zur Löschung und zum Zurücksetzen des gesamten Online-Buchungsformulars eine entsprechende Änderungs- oder Korrekturmöglichkeit zur Verfügung, auf die Sie während des Buchungsvorgangs hingewiesen werden Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Änderung nach Absenden der Buchung (vgl. § 5.4.) nicht mehr möglich ist.

5.3. If the contract text is stored, you will be informed about this and the option to later retrieve the contract text.

5.4. By clicking the button "book at a charge" (or similar), you bind yourself to the provider to conclude a contract for the previously specified tourism services. Receipt of this offer will be confirmed to you immediately electronically (confirmation of receipt). You are bound to your offer for a period of 72 hours after clicking the "book at a charge" button.

5.5. Submitting the booking by clicking the "book at a charge" button does not entitle you to conclude a contract with the provider corresponding to your booking. The contract is only concluded upon receipt of the booking confirmation by you, which does not require any particular form. Especially if you place the booking order later than 72 hours before the start of the tourism service (e.g., departure, check-in, etc.), you may expect not to receive a booking/travel confirmation and no contract with the provider will be concluded.

5.6. If the booking confirmation is provided immediately after clicking the "book at a charge" button by displaying a booking confirmation on the screen, the contract is concluded with the display of this booking confirmation, without the need for an intermediate notification of receipt of a booking. In this case, you will be offered the opportunity to save and print the booking confirmation. However, the binding nature of the contract does not depend on whether you actually use this option to save or print.

The binding booking order is concluded when the booker clicks on the button "Submit booking" / "book" / "Book flight" / "Buy ticket" / "Book flight binding and payment obligation" / "Order with obligation to pay". This constitutes the legally binding order for Global Wings Reisen UG to mediate transportation or other individual tourist services with a specific service provider or to conclude a travel contract with a tour operator according to the booker's specifications. The provision of the booked service itself is not part of our obligations as a travel agent. The booker is bound to this booking order for 72 hours. Within this period, Global Wings Reisen UG will accept the booking order or contact the booker. Generally, acceptance is considered to be the binding confirmation in the form of the invoice from Global Wings Reisen UG, with the consequence that the corresponding fee is due for immediate payment if it is not an order to conclude a travel contract with a tour operator. If it is a booking of a travel event with a tour operator, the payment and security procedures of the tour operator apply. If payment is made by credit card, the debit of the booker/participant/traveler's credit card account is also considered acceptance.

The mediation is considered completed once the travel documents have been sent to the customer. You are obligated to immediately check the booking confirmation/invoice/travel documents received for their correctness and promptly inform Global Wings Reisen UG of any inaccuracies or deviations upon notice.
We inform you that we do not store the contract text. With our booking confirmation via email, you will receive an overview of the selected travel service and its costs.
Payment obligation for the total invoiced travel fee including processing and service fees (travel price) is generally borne by the booker or the specified payer. The booker is liable for the full travel price if the specified payer does not make the payment.

  • 6 Customer Obligations

You are obligated to immediately check the receipt confirmation and/or booking confirmation/invoice for their correctness and promptly notify the providers or of any inaccuracies or deviations. This also applies to poor performance regarding the mediation service of Such poor performance must be reported immediately to, and an opportunity must be provided to remedy it. If a notice of defects is culpably omitted, warranty claims from the brokerage contract with are void.

  • 7 Maturity of Travel Prices and Payment Processing

Upon conclusion of the contract, an advance payment may be requested by the respective provider, which will be credited towards the price of the tourism service. For last-minute bookings, pure flight and/or insurance services, the entire price of the tourism service may be due for immediate payment. If it concerns trips within the meaning of §§ 651 a to m BGB (package travel), a payment may only be demanded after the transmission of a security certificate and must not be requested beforehand. Details regarding the due dates for advance payments and final payments, as well as the payment modalities, can be found in the booking confirmation/invoice or the GTC of the respective provider.

  • 8 Travel Insurance

We particularly advise on the possibility and appropriateness of travel cancellation insurance as well as insurance to cover repatriation costs and medical expenses.

  • 9 Liability of

9.1. is not liable for the success of mediation and/or the actual/defect-free provision of tourism services, but only ensures that the mediation is conducted with the care of a prudent merchant.

9.2. The information, software, and other data available on the website, especially regarding prices/restrictions and dates, are based on the information provided by the providers. endeavors, to the extent reasonable, to ensure that all information is current at the time of publication. However, no guarantee is provided for this. In particular, the tourism services displayed on the website are only available to a limited extent. is not liable for the availability of a travel service at the time of booking.

9.3. Furthermore, assumes

9.4. No liability for booking errors or damages resulting therefrom if a booking error was caused by an error in the input of data and/or the use of a communication medium, or otherwise by the user (especially regarding the "adhesion as principal"). Similarly, is not liable for the correctness and completeness of the content provided by providers or other third parties.

9.5. is not liable for the loss, destruction and/or damage of travel documents in connection with shipment for which it is not responsible.

9.6. is not liable for the consequences of force majeure. A case of force majeure exists in particular - but not exclusively - in the event of orders by authorities, wars, civil unrest, hijackings, terrorist attacks, fire, storms, floods, power failures, accidents, strikes, lockouts and other industrial action, insofar as these are not lawful, insofar as and/or the providers and their service providers are affected and/or influenced by these circumstances. Translated with (free version)

  • Privacy

The data collected by for processing the contract is protected by encryption and stored in compliance with data protection regulations. Your data will be passed on to providers only to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of the contract and, if necessary, for the handling of payment transactions. Further information on data protection and privacy can be found in our Privacy Policy.

  • Changes to the GTC

Should individual provisions of these GTC be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision.

11.2. Severability Clause

If you have consented to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes and/or the forwarding of this data, you can object to the further use of your personal data for advertising purposes and/or the forwarding of this data at any time by sending a postal message to Global Wings Reisen UG, Schniederbergstraße 144, 49497 Mettingen, or by sending an email to Upon receipt of this objection, will immediately cease any further transmission of advertising. Furthermore, you are entitled to receive information about the stored data concerning you upon request and free of charge. Furthermore, you have the right to have your data corrected, deleted or blocked. Deletion may be prevented by legal regulations, in particular with regard to data for billing and accounting purposes. The data will be deleted unless and until storage is necessary for the aforementioned reasons. In addition, you can object to the storage of your personal data at any time, provided there are no contractual or legal reasons to the contrary. Please send this objection to Translated with (free version)

  • Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to these GTC and the entire legal relationship between the booker and eine Plattform zur Online-Beilegung verbraucherrechtlicher Streitigkeiten bereit.

The application of the UN Sales Convention is excluded.

  • General Conditions

If you are a merchant or do not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or move your domicile or habitual residence abroad after conclusion of the contract or if your domicile or habitual residence is not known at the time the action is filed, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract shall be the registered office of

Right of Revocation Please note the information on the right of revocation, which can be found separately on the website or on the respective travel confirmation.

13.3. Contact
Global Wings Reisen UG

Represented by the managing directors:

Global Wings Reisen UG

Business address:

49497 Mettingen

10623 Berlin, Germany

